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  • Additional Information

  • Erectile Dysfunction Medications

  • Premature Ejaculation Info and Meds

  • Canadian Health&Care Mall: The mechanism of masculine weakness

    Erectile function is a complex physiological process within which the erection takes place as a result of strong blood flow to the cavernous bodies of penis.
    The cavernous body consists of two cylindrical bodies covered by thick and elastic albuginea. They make up the base of the penis stem. The tissue of the cavernous body has the cell structure that in profile is similar to the sponge structure. Inside ach cellule there is a cavity bounded by parietes consisting of smooth muscle cells. With the blood flow the cellules fill up, and drain during the outflow. Thus, their volume changes.

    The physiology of the process

    With the sexual excitement the signal comes to the cerebral cortex, and as a result, the erection takes place. The nervous impulse is being generated in hypothalamus and transmitting through the cerebrospinal erective centres and arrives to penis through nervous terminals. Having received the nervous impulse, the cavernous bodies release the nitrogen oxide which results in the relaxation of smooth muscle cells of cellules and the arteries of penis. Due to the increase of the cellule volume and the artery openings the blood flows with more intensity that results in erection.

    The cavernosums through which the blood outflow in the veins of penis is performed are situated between the albuginea and the cavernous body. When the penis increases in volume, the occlusion of veins takes place that results in the cessation of outflow of blood from penis (vein-occlusive mechanism). In such circumstances the flow of blood prevails over the outflow, the full filling of cavernous bodies takes place and causes the lasting erection.
    Following the ejaculation the penis tissues receive noradrenalin. This substance improves the tonus of smooth muscle cells. The effect of noradrenalin reduces the blood flow to penis, opens the occlusive mechanism, restores the venous outflow and removes the erection.

    The variants of suchlike disorders

    Now that we got familiar with the process of erection emergence it is obvious that the problems arise as a result of incorrect work of one of three components:
    The main causes of impotency are the following:
    1. Diseases that damage the cavernous body tissue and cause its cicatrization;
    2. The disorder of work of nervous terminals of penis or encephalic centres;
    3. Constant venous outflow (outflow of the venous blood);
    4. Too low blood flow to the cavernous bodies.
    5. The root of the trouble
    As it is obvious from the definition, the erectile dysfunction is an inability of provision of the lasting erection to perform the sexual intercourse. There is a clear correlation between the certain age and the prevalence of the disorder. Thus, at the age below forty such disorders are common only for 5% of men, while during the following two decades the prevalence rate of the disease reaches 40%. Moreover, among men at the age of seventy every second man suffers from this disorder.
    In fact, it is impossible to find the direct causal relationships between the erective\le dysfunction and the age of a man. However, the correlation is a result of the addition of other diseases at a peculiar age that in time become the main causes of these problems.
    The results of the physician visit
    First of all, the doctor should find out the causes of complaints and problems of a patient. Are there really problems with erectile function or the main cause lies in the disorder of sexual drive? It is of primary importance to differentiate between these two states. Thus, the sexual drive disorder in the late ages cause by the testosterone deficiency requires the entirely different approach to the diagnostics and treatment.
    If there are not problems with libido, but the difficulties remain, we can safely say that it is the erectile dysfunction. The following reasons most often cause the disorders of the flow of blood to penis:
    —Liver and kidney insufficiency;

    Other reasons
    The main issue in this matter is the state that causes the disruption of venous-occlusive mechanism. In this case the outflow of venous blood becomes too strong.
    The causes of erection problems may also lie in the disruptions of the transmission of the nervous impulse to penis. This is a result of the disease of peripheral and central nervous system.
    The most common reasons of the neurogenic impotency are the following:
    —Discal hernia;
    —Parkinson’s disease;
    —Injuries or tumors of spinal and brain cord;
    —Cerebral crisis.
    Often the erectile dysfunction is caused by the disruption of the function of sexual nerve. It emerges as a result of surgery on the pelvic organs, also known as radical prostatectomy.
    Medical impotency comprises a separate group. In this case the erectile dysfunction is a result of the side effect of some medications.

    The remedies that may cause the adverse effect comprise the blacklist that includes::
    —Opioids and antipsychotics;
    —antihypertensive drugs.

    From the head

    There are cases when the doctor cannot find any of the mentioned problems. Usually such situations happen when the young patient seeks medical advice. Then the cause of the erectile dysfunction should be considered on the level of psychological factors and the psychotherapeutic methods should be applied for the diagnostics and treatment.